
Booking Train Tickets / Bus Tickets / Ferries / Plane Tickets around Asia

A few years ago you would have to go up to the Bus Station / Train Station / Ferry Port to try and find a ride then hope there were some seats available, however now you can book your bus / train / boat tickets online by using the search box below. 

 Just fill in where you want to go and our clever search box will tell you what time the buses run, how much they cost and even let you book a ticket.  This system is very sophisticated, if you tell the search engine your starting point and destination it will work out how to get there using different means of transport, eg catch a train, then a bus, then a ferry and it will even give you several options.

  Give it a go!

 It also works for internal flights & flights around Asia.  So organise all your transport before you leave home, or if you are already on the road then book it before you travel, it’s so much easier!

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